We continue the $1.25 .CAM promotion

Dear registrars

Based on the success of the previous two promo blocks that had 6 months each, we would like to announce you, that we decided to extend the .CAM promo period for 1 more year, once the original period ends on February 15th 2021. Therefore, the promo will be extended until February 15th, 2022.
Please let us know if you would like to continue being enrolled for the promo so we can send you an addendum to the original agreement for signing, or, if you are a NEW and want to sign-up, contact us to send you the promo agreement to be read and signed.
All the original agreement conditions will stay the same, the only thing changing being the period.

.CAM Registry will continue offering a great discount between February 15th 2021 and February 15th 2022 for the currently enrolled or interested registrars. We will charge you the same amount already offered, of only $1.25 as long as you resell .CAM domains for a maximum of $2.50 (or EUR equivalent, VAT exclusive) to your customer base.

The promotion continues to be valid only for the first year of registration, does not affect premium names or renewal pricing and it is subject to an additional agreement addendum signing via Docusign. Any registrar currently offering this .CAM promotion can elect to continue offering the promo to it’s customer base and can discuss the addendum agreement signing with Andrei Dumitriu, Technical & Business Development Manager at .CAM Registry.

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