.CAM is moving to CentralNIC


We would like to announce you that we will be soon moving on to the CentralNIC back-end. In order to be compliant with our Registry-Registrar Agreement and further to our communication on our plan to migrate .CAM zone from KSRegistry back-end to the CentralNIC systems, we hereby announce everyone well in advance (90 days being the mandatory minimum), that the migration will take place on:

• March 26th, 2019 (10:00 UTC –  14:00 UTC)

As CentralNic also provides an EPP interface, the impact of the change on the registrar side should be minimal. 

However, we strongly advise you to perform tests on the CentralNIC OT&E system as soon as possible. The .CAM zone has been already configured and setup on the OT&E system and it is ready for testing.

As part of the migration there willbe some changes to domain life cycle. The following modifications will comeinto effect after the migration completes:


In order to prepare the migration we kindly ask for your cooperation:

If you already have an existing accreditation with CentralNIC:
Please provide us your existing Registrar ID you want your .CAM domains to be assigned to.

If you do not have an existing Registrar ID:
Please sign up with CentralNIC, create your account, and provide us – once received – your new Registrar ID you want your .CAM domains to be assigned to.

If you do not provide yourRegistrar ID:
You will not be able to manage your domains after the completion of the migration on March 26th, 2019 is complete.

Please send your CentralNIC Registrar ID via e-mail to support@ksregistry.com

Please note the following regarding payments:

In order to register, renew or action any other billable transactions after the migration, please ensure that you have funded your new or existing registrar account with CentralNIC.

Remaining balances on the KSregistry system will be refunded. In order to process any refund, please contact us at billing@nic.cam to provide information about how you wish the payment to be made.

Access to CentralNic’s OT&E and production system

The CentralNIC OT&E and production systems can be reached here:


Registrar Console: registrar-console.centralnic.com
EPP Server: epp.centralnic.com (port 700)


RegistrarConsole: ote-console.centralnic.com
EPP Server: epp-ote.centralnic.com (port700)

Link for account sign up: https://registrar-console.centralnic.com/pub/register.

The latest CentralNIC Registrar Operations Manual will be sent to each registrar by e-mail and can also be found in the CentralNIC Registrar Console.

Should you have more questions about the migration please contact us for further inquiries

For questions regarding the CentralNIC system or testing please contact the CentralNic support team or contact them via phone at +44 (0)20 33 88 0600.

If you have any more questions regarding the migration, please contact us via e-mail info@nic.cam or phone number: +40.724375370.

Kindest Regards

Andrei Dumitriu

Technical & Business Development Manager 
AC Webconnecting Holding BV

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